The death of George Floyd has caused civil unrest in America — in the days since his murder on May 25th in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we have seen protests, ongoing police brutality, and a complete lack of leadership from the White House. In its absence, athletes, teams and leagues have been using their voices to call for justice and reform.
June 01, 2020
Let's talk about it
Let's talk about it
May is Mental Health Awareness month. And during unprecedented times like these, taking care of your mental health can be a bit of a struggle. So we wanted to highlight some stories of athletes managing their mental health and well-being, because even though they may seem like superheroes to us, at the end of the day, they’re human too.
May 21, 2020
Back to business
Back to business
Despite the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting that yesterday saw the biggest single-day increase in global COVID-19 cases (seriously, this thing isn’t over), sports leagues are still making significant progress in their back to work plans.
May 21, 2020